Come say hello .. we’ll be in that really big booth with several fire apparatus to look at .. and be sure to put your name in to win the Mini Ipad doorprize …

From the IFCA:

Looking at the tentative schedule I would like to personally invite all of the first time attendees to our orientation at 8:00 a.m. Monday morning. Right after that, Peoria Fire Department will start our conference with their honor guard. Chief Bruce Moeller PhD. (ret) will cover NFPA 1710, both from a stand point as a Fire Chief and also as a City Manager. He will also return later in the program to cover “What does your manager expect”. Next Randy Downs will be covering the new 2012 ISO Public Protection Classification. This should be helpful with any Chief that will be coming up for an ISO review.

After lunch the schedule is open for everyone to spend time on the floor with our vendors. The vendors are such an important part of our organization. Without their support we could not afford to have the various programs that we have throughout the year. I am asking that you stop by each booth and see what they have to offer.

I was talking with a Chief last year and while were standing in front of one of the architects booths he stated they had nothing for him because they could not afford to build a new station. I then reminded him of the tornadoes over the last few years that have hit fire stations in nearby states. So with being in Illinois one of our stations could be the next one. Tuesday morning will start off with a very familiar and welcome face, Chief Robert Buhs (ret), along with Shawn Flaherty with OBKCG&D they will be covering Duty injury and Duty Disability. Howard Cross with the NFA will be in to discuss Leadership in the Fire Service. Our Presidential Reception and Banquet will be Tuesday night. I ask that everyone please attend and welcome our new 2016‐2017 President and board.

See you in Peoria!

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Providing emergency personnel with the finest in fire apparatus and service.
